بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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Vajahath and Aisha

As you know the present circumstances, this is simply to inform you that our beloved son, Vajahath Ahmed is getting married on June 28th 2020 at hotel Taza, Puthiyakavu (InshaAllah); and a humble request of having your valuable wishes and prayers from the heart.

Yours faithfully,
A. K. Kalim and Aneesa. A (Sofi)

28th June 2020

Vajahath Ahmed,
S/o. Mr. Abdul Khuddoos Kalim & Mrs. Aneesa A (Sofi)
Kerala, IN
Aisha Nadeer,
D/o. Mr. Nadeer Ahmed & Mrs. Zaira Nadeer,
Kerala, IN

With best complements from Haniya Kanwal, Munasir Ahmed and Aarifa Komal.
